Sunday, January 10, 2010

Welcome! Have a Cookie!

I love cookies! I find them a delicious, perfect snack. While I try to live a healthy lifestyle and make generally nutritious choices, I am often caught with my hand (literally!!) in the cookie jar.

I also enjoy baking cookies. This is a fun activity to do with the children, and I love the feeling of creating something new from basic ingredients. I have recently been trying out all kinds of different cookie recipes, and I really felt a desire to branch out into new territory for me. So -- I got a cookie cookbook (say that five times fast!). Not any cookie cookbook, mind you, but Martha's cookie cookbook. That's right, the Martha.

So, in the spirit of Julie & Julia (I so wanted to call this blog Bitchy & Bitchier, but resisted), I am embarking on a challenge to bake all the recipes in Martha Stewart's Cookies. Without gaining 150 pounds (or 15, or 5). Unlike Julie, I am not imposing a time limit upon myself. It will probably be something like one recipe a week.

Feel free to join me on this journey and try out anything that sounds good! If you want a cookie, let me know, and I'll send a few over your way.