Thursday, January 21, 2010

Coconut Macadamia Shortbread

So this is the first cookie from Martha that I do not love, even though it has all the components that would normally make it a favorite - coconut and macadamia nuts. I chose this recipe - Coconut Macadamia Shortbread (page 148) to use the macadamia nuts I had in the pantry. This recipe calls for a couple of ingredients that I consider somewhat obscure - cream of coconut (not to be confused with coconut milk) and coconut extract. While imitation coconut extract can be found in most neighborhood grocery stores, I of course sought out the pure extract which I had to order online, along with the cream of coconut (which might be able to be found in a Mexican grocery store). Strike one.

Following the recipe was not complicated, but involved several steps and was quite time-consuming. Toast the macadamias, grind them in the food processor, grind the coconut, mix the dough, various steps of refrigeration. When I got the dough out of the refrigerator to roll out, it was quick crumbly and difficult to work with (appropriately, this recipe can be found in the "crumbly & sandy" section of the cookbook). Strike two.

Finally, the suggested cooking time (20-25 minutes) is definitely on the long side. My first batch of cookies came out a little too brown (baked at 20 minutes), but the second batch looked better at 18 minutes. The crumbly nature of the dough made it hard to roll it out to an even 1/4" inch thickness, and therefore the cookies baked unevenly as well. Strike three.

The cookies tasted all right, a little caramel-y and sweet, but not sure they were worth the effort.

My husband loved the cookies and says they taste wonderful, and suggests that they be paired with ice cream.

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