Thursday, January 14, 2010

Soft and Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies

So, this is my third batch of cookies for the boys' poker weekend. The other batch of cookies (about which we will not blog) was a disaster, due to a horrendous error on my part. Let's just say it's a good thing I'm not a surgeon, because I'd probably be the one who accidentally amputated the wrong limb. My bad.

Anyway, so the fallback is the "undisputed champ of the cookie world" (so says Martha): the chocolate chip cookie (page 58). Not such a bad alternate, but not what I wanted to send with him either.

It was a cinch to pull together - all your typical cookie ingredients. The only deviation I made was to substitute mini chocolate chips for regular ones, since I didn't have any regular-sized chocolate chips in the pantry. The result is a more chocolatey cookie. Very tasty.


  1. You amaze me Catherine! SUCH an inspiration ... I'd love to make all of these cookies, but then I'm afraid I'd need to be running a marathon a weekend to keep the weight off. They look DELICIOUS!

  2. Thanks! Ha! They're fun to make (a great activity to do with the kids).
